So bittersweet when your baby turns ONE! I love being a part of first birthdays because its such an event! Its a day where parents look at their little one and smile with such joy, but also weep for how fast the time has past. It is a celebration of what a wonderful little person you have raised. Besides, by the child's second birthday, they start having their own ideas, likes and dislikes. So, first birthdays, in some way, is a chance for mommy and daddy to relive 'their' first birthday party!
I had so much fun baking and decorating this cake and cupcakes. The planning for this party started long before Z's birthday! Zacs' Mommy, who happens to be a great friend, had a clear vision. The main theme of the party would be Cookie Monster accented with blue and white decor. For the cupcakes we decided on a simple vanilla cake and tinted the buttercream blue - of course! We were gonna keep it simple at first, but then we decided to push forward with creativity! I first saw these cupcakes I knew they were going to be PERFECT for the party! Then Z's mommy decided that a smash cake would be MUCH more FUN for Z to get his hands into then just a little cupcake, so this is what happened...
Vanilla Cookie Monster Cake
I was sooooo EXCITED for little Z to get his hands dirty - and boy did he!!!! Given the recent popularity of smash cakes, i have yet to see one of my creations attacked - until now!!!! It was so AMAZING to see his reaction to the cake...the cookie, the texture, that first taste of sweet vanilla buttercream - I was overjoyed! in less than 2 minutes he had both hands full of cake and was covered in blue icing looking absolutely
Instead of having a larger cake for the friends and family to discreetly eat served on a plate with a fork, we opted for cupcakes (of course) Chocolate cupcakes with vanilla and milk chocolate buttercream for the adults, and mini cookie monsters for the little ones :)
Zacs' 1st Birthday was brought to you by the letter Z and the #1
Cookie Monster Cake and Cupcakes was a production of :
Cupcakes On The Side
...hehehe - I couldn't resist ending the post this way ;)